Builder Pattern

Design Patterns Overview


Simplify Creation of Objects Which Need Many Properties for Creation.

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Singleton Pattern

Design Patterns Overview


Making Only One Object of a Class to Be Available for All. Making Only One Object of a Class to Be Available for All.

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Abstract Factory Pattern

Design Patterns Overview


Group Factories That Produce Similar Products. Choose a Factory at Runtime, in Order to Create Different Objects of a Certain Category.

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Factory Method Pattern

Design Patterns Overview


Having Decisions of object creation to be made at Runtime. Create Objects Without Knowing the Specific Type.

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Observer Pattern

Design Patterns Overview


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Strategy Pattern

Design Patterns Overview


Adding Behavior at Runtime. Strategy pattern encapsulates Interchangeable Behaviors and Uses Delegation to Decide Which One to Use.

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Design Patterns Cookbook

Even after reading the original GoF book and “Head First Design Patterns” (which is one of the best book in this field), as well as many articles, I still found it very daunting and hard to grasp the gist of each pattern and apply the most suitable one for a certain scenario. All the examples and UML diagrams do help understanding the pattern, but deep down, developers are far better at reading code; specially code snippets.

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Better Naming Practices

Since code is read many times more than is written, then code readability becomes of extremely high importance among developers. Naming among other readability factors becomes the coder’s crucial task that needs more attention and scrutiny.

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