Composite Pattern

Design Patterns Overview


Add the Capability of Never Ending Grouping. Client Treats Collection of Objects and Individual Objects Uniformly.

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Iterator Pattern

Design Patterns Overview


Get the Iterator for Any Type of Collections in Subclasses. Provides a Way to Traverse a Collection of Objects Without Exposing Its Implementation.

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Template Method Pattern

Design Patterns Overview


Create a Fixed Procedure and Vary its details for the Subclasses. Subclasses Decide How to implement Steps in an Algorithm.

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Bridge Pattern

Design Patterns Overview


Decouple Products from Their Usage So That They can Change Independently. Make It Easier to Add More Capabilities to a Set of Subclasses Through Abstraction Layer.

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Facade Pattern

Design Patterns Overview


Create a Simplified Interface to a Set of Classes. Create a Cohesive Class Is Easier to Read, Test, Understand and Use by Grouping Methods with Common Tasks from a Set of Other Classes.

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Adapter Pattern

Design Patterns Overview


Create Adaptability Among Different Interfaces. Adapt an Existing Class to Work With Others Without Modifying It.

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Decorator Pattern

Design Patterns Overview


Provide New Abilities/Behaviors at Runtime. Wrapping an Object (Through Composition) In Order to Provide Additional Abilities

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Command Pattern

Design Patterns Overview


Create a Set of Reusable Commands For Various Products. Encapsulate the concept of an action (Command).

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Prototype Pattern

Design Patterns Overview


Create new instances by copying the existing one. Client code can make new instances without knowing which specific class is being instantiated.

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Null Object Pattern

Design Patterns Overview

Although Null Object pattern is not part of the classical design patterns, but it is certainly one of those useful mindsets every developer shall practice over and over.


Substitute Null References with Neutral Objects That Cause No Side Effects.

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